The Healing Story of Beer Soap.

     I recently had a customer tell me a story about his trip to the Caribbean and accidentally applied an all natural eco-friendly sunblock that may have been EXPIRED! He didn't notice the expiration date until a few days of use. They flew back home from the Caribbean and forgot the whole ordeal - until he took a shower. Then the itching began. Again, he didn't think anything of it as he thought it since he had been laying out under the sun and going through the normal process of his skin pealing. After a few days the pain tingling was still there and got a little worse. The tingling, now pain, felt as if he had 10,000 needles poking his back all day nonstop. It got so bad that he has his wife smack his back (as hard as she could) to help distract him from the tingling painful agony.

Nothing helped, lotions, ointments, over-the-counter meds, nothing! Until he began using one of my soaps - El Caballero. His pain was now bearable. He could not believe how much the soap helped reduce the pain and soon after, got rid of all of his other store-bought soaps and body lotions. After a few days of using El Caballero there is very little tingling. He tried using other soaps in my lineup but none were as effective as El Caballero. Perhaps the infused beer and the natural moisturizing effects of the ingredients to make beer (barley, hops, and yeast) helped provide the extra nourishment his skin needed!

It's been a few months and he now buys 6 to 8 bars every few months to make sure he never runs out. I did wonder why he was buying so many, and after asking how he was liking El Caballero, he told me his story.

How amazing is that! A customer found relief using a bar of soap with natural ingredients after the conventional bath products, lotions, and other ointments never helped relieve his pain. Incredible!

Make time to invest in natural products and the health of your skin.

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